
Preparation of the Kathina Puja Ceremony of Hamilton Buddhist Vihara

2017 Kathina Puja 2 640x427Hamilton Buddhist Vihara Kathina Puja Ceremony will be held at Hamilton Boys High School on Sunday 3rd November 2019 from 9.30 am.

Danaya arrangement: 

Preparations for the Kathina Dana are being made. Please contact any of the following devotees to know about the Dana arrangements:

Sanath and Janakie Vithanage - 07 8564939 / 021 08383711
Norbert and Anula Costa - 07 8556336 / 0211462307
Janaka and Shasika Ellepola - 07 8563992 / 022 3019557
Dilan and Ishira Bandarathilaka - 022 3117262 / 022 3726813
Neranjana and Achini Maldeniya - 07 9608828 / 022 3864214
Upul and Shyma Amarakoon - Auckland

Hall setting:
Hamilton Boys High School Hall will be available for setting up on Saturday the 2nd November from 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm. Please be kind to come and help us to arrange the hall on 02nd November.

Atapirikara and Robes:
Those who have sponsored the Atapirikara and Robes, could you please bring the donations to the Vihara or deposit into the Vihara bank account.

Our bank account details:
Name: Waikato Compassion Meditation Trust
Bank: Westpac
Acc: No: 03 0314 0257 642 00

If you wish to make the donation direct to the bank account of WCMT, please make sure to enter your name on the reference section of the bank transaction.

You are kindly invited to participate in this great ceremony by extending your fullest co-operation to make this event a successful and memorable occasion.