
Cancelling of all upcoming programs

imglogoWe feel it is extremely important to take extra measures to ensure everyone in the community is kept as safe as possible during this unprecedented time.

So, considering the ongoing situation, Waikato Compassion Meditation Center (Hamilton Vihara) has decided to cancel all upcoming programs at the temple until further notice.

Please follow the Health Ministry Guidelines NZ when you hold Dana offering ceremonies and other religious activities at your home.

Furthermore, please consider having minimum numbers of people or only family members in all religious events to help with keeping social distance.

We will let you know about future program dates in the due course of time.

Pinsidu wewa and thank you very much for your kind support, understanding and patience in this difficult situation.

Please take care of yourself, your family, especially beloved children, elderly family members, friends and the community. Please be safe and healthy.

May the Blessings of Noble Triple Gem be with you all!