
Moving to the new Sanghavasa

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We are very glad to inform you that the new Sanghavasa (monks’ residence) of the Hamilton temple, at 436 D, Holland Rd, Eureka 3286, Hamilton, was completed and handed over to us on the 21st of May.

We know you will all share in the merit accrued by supporting us wholeheartedly in the construction of the new Sanghavasa.

We plan to conduct the housewarming ceremony on 28th May 2020 without any gathering. In the morning, a Buddha statue and casket containing the relics will be conducted to the Sanghavasa with great care, devotion and respect. Paritta chanting will be conducted by the monks of the new residence that same day and will continue daily till 3rd June.

During the following days, all goods such as furniture, utensils, etc. will be transported to the new Sanghavasa and arranged in a suitable manner. The resident monks will then move in. The present temple in Chelmsford Street will be handed over to the owners of the building on 3rd June 2020.

Sadly, and regretfully we must inform you that due to the current situation in the country, most people will be unable to participate in the commencement ceremonies of the new Sanghavasa. We look forward to conducting suitable religious ceremonies in which all our supporters, devotees and well wishers can participate when the situation in the country has improved further.

Under the current COVID-19 Level 2 restrictions we are only able to accommodate a limited number of devotees at a time. Therefore, if you are interested in attending the Paritta Chanting ceremonies, please inform us and we will do our best to accommodate you when possible.

If any of you wish to make any offerings to the new Sanghavasa, we kindly ask that you consult the monks before you purchase anything as we do not want you to waste your hard-earned money on unnecessary things.

The commencement of the Dhamma school and other temple activities as well as the propagation of plants for the new temple complex will take place at a later date. We will keep you informed of these dates.

We gratefully remember and acknowledge the support (both financial otherwise) that every one of you has unselfishly provided ever since the Waikato Compassion Meditation Centre commenced. Our sincere blessings are with you and may you all gain merit for your kindness, compassion and unstinting help over the years. In addition, we trust you have benefitted from the many activities conducted by the temple and hope that you will continue to support us in our future endeavours. Our sincere wish is that every one of you, along with your families and friends will have good health, peace and happiness in your lives and that you all attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana. 

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