
Opening Ceremony of the New Sanghavasa - Hamilton Vihara

Opening ceremony Sanghavasa Dear Devotees and friends in Dhamma,

We are pleased to share some of memories from our small but very noble event of opening ceremony of the New Sanghavasa of Hamilton Vihara.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we could gather 10 people. I felt hard at that moment without you for that great event, as our devoted supports of the Vihara, to share the happiness which we created working together. We still wish to have a especial ceremony in the near future to get together and celebrate.

Pinsiduwewa and thank you so much for offering your kind and generous assistance to the Vihara in many ways and for many years. May the blessings of the Buddha be upon you all.

- Bhante Metteyya and the residence monks,
   and WCMT Committee members.

1 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa

1 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa
























































2 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa
















3 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa















4 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa











5 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa












6 Opening ceremony Sanghavasa