
Farther's Day (Charity) ''High Tea & Bake Sale”

High Tea Bake saleDear Devotees and friends in Dhamma,

A group of devotees from Hamilton Buddhist Meditation Centre are organising a “Charity High Tea & Bake Sale” to raise funds towards the construction of the entrance of the Meditation Centre. Please come in your bubble and treat your father on Father’s Day or have tea with your loved ones. Otherwise buy Sri Lankan snacks and help us raise funds towards this meritorious purpose. 

Date: Sunday 06th September

Time: From 3.30 - 6.30

Venue: Marian’s Catholic School

Please read the important information below;

  • High Tea Reservation is compulsory due to Covid-19 rules
  • Tea and coffee and juice for children are served for free
  • Sri Lankan snacks are on sale (Roles, cutlets, vegetable roti, Fish bun, Vade) and additionally, pastries and cupcakes are also available.
  • Please bring cash but Eftpos is also available.
  • The event is run in three-time slots and each high tea session is restricted to 45 minutes due to 2m distance and restrictions with the number below 100. (the first session is from 3.30 - 4.15 pm, session two from 4.30-5.15pm and the last session is from 5.30-6.15pm)
  • Price for high tea: A table for 4 is at $30 and table for 6 at $40 (this includes cutlets, roles, sausage roles, sandwiches, and cupcakes each).
  • Another compulsory requirement is to obtain all your contact details for contact tracing, as this offers an additional level of protection, supporting NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect system to continue to drive down the spread of COVID-19 across the country. Please use the contact tracing app at the gate or enter your details as you enter the hall.

Please call one of us for more information; 020241400696 (Sudheera), 0223726813 (Ishira) , 0223864214 (Achini), 02108383771 (Janaki)