
Preparation of the Kathina Puja Ceremony of Hamilton Vihara - 2020

Katina Puja CeremonyThe Annual Katina Ceremony of Hamilton Vihara (Waikato Compassion Meditation Centre) will be held at Hamilton Boys High School on Sunday 15 November 2020 from 9.30 am.

Danaya arrangement:

You will be contacted regarding Dana arrangements for Katina Ceremony before the 31st of October 2020. Please be kind to ring anyone from the following list or the temple, if no one contacted you by this date.

Premadasa & Lillian: 021 1565577
Anura & Kumari: 021 1339150 / 07 8551883
Ajith & Angela: 021 1116722 / 07 8561543
Chandana & Gayani: 021 1071943 / 021 0722275 / 07 8554324
Nishantha & Shiroma: 021 08536542 / 027 9569095
Ajith & Sujatha: 021 340522 / 021 02646074 / 07 8560119
Sanath & Janaki: 021 02423035 / 021 08383711 / 07 8564939

Could you please bring your Danaya (food items) by 9: 30 am to the Kathina hall

Hall setting:

Hamilton Boys High School Hall will be available for setting up on Saturday 14th November from 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm. Please be kind to come and help us to arrange the hall on14th November.

Atapirikara and Robes:

Those who have sponsored the Atapirikara and Robes, could you please bring the donations to the Vihara or deposit into the Vihara bank account:

Our bank account details:
Name: Waikato Compassion Meditation Trust
Bank: Westpac
Acc: No: 03 0314 0257 642 00

If you wish to make the donation direct to the bank account of WCMT, please make sure to enter your name on the reference section of the bank transaction.

You are kindly invited to participate in this great ceremony by extending your fullest co-operation to make this event a successful and memorable occasion.