
Annual General Meeting of Waikato Compassion Meditation Trust

wcmcbannerDear Devotees and Friends in Dhamma,

Notice is hereby given that the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of Waikato Compassion Meditation Trust (WCMT) will be held at 436 D, Holland Road, Eureka 3286 on 18th April 2021 at 4: 00 pm. You are kindly invited to attend this great Sasankika and spiritual event.

Agenda for the meeting:

- Observing five precepts

- Loving-kindness meditation

- Apologies

- Adopting the minute of the Annual General Meeting held on 31st March 2019

- Matters arising

- Receiving and adopting the President's report, Treasurer's report, and the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December 2020

- Anusasana by Bhante Metteyya

- Electing the of members of the 2021/22 Trust Committee

- Appointing an auditor

- Other business

- End of the meeting

 Attached is:

- The minute of the Annual General Meeting held on 31st March 2019

Important Notes:

We need to adhere to the Covid 19 guidelines issued by the New Zealand Government. Accordingly, we have mentioned below the instruction that you are required to adhere to.

- The QR codes are displayed at the entrance of the venue and please be kind enough to scan the QR codes when you enter the WCMT premises.

- A register of the participants is maintained at the WCMT premises and please be kind enough to provide your contact details in the register.

- The hand sanitisers are provided inside the WCMT premises and please be kind enough to use hand sanitisers to rub hands together covering all surfaces of hands and fingers. Further, in an event, please cough or sneeze into your elbow.

- If you choose to wear a mask, please use it properly.

- There are no physical distancing requirements, but the more space there is between people, the harder it is for the COVID-19 virus, and other viruses to spread.

- If you have cold or flu symptoms (such as but not limited to a new or worsening cough, a fever of at least 38°C, shortness of breath, sore throat, sneezing and runny nose, and temporary loss of smell), please be kind enough to stay at home and consult a doctor.

- If you have travelled outside New Zealand for the last 28 days, please be kind enough to ensure that you have completed at least 14 days of managed isolation or quarantine before participating in this event.