
Hamilton Vihara is preparing to resume its religious and social activities

ViharaWe are pleased to inform you that the Hamilton Vihara (Waikato Compassion Meditation Centre) is preparing to resume its religious and social activities. Accordingly, the Centre will commence its activities from 01 October 2021, and the details are mentioned below.

* Friday meditation, Saturday fortnightly teachings and Saturday Vassana Dhamma Desana Pinkama will commence from 01 October 2021.

* The Sunday Dhamma & Language School will commence on 24 October 2021 (after school holidays)

* Religious needs of the devotees will be performed on request. Please contact Hamilton Vihara in advance.

* Daily danaya can be offered, and prior notice of the same is very much appreciated.

* Cutting fabric for the Kathina robe will be held on 26 September 2021.

* You will be updated on the Annual robe offering ceremony (Kathina Ceremony) shortly.

The Vihara is committed to ensuring the safety of all the devotees. We expect all of you to follow relevant Delta Alert Level protocols when you attend the above events. We appreciate your kindness and compassion for one another.