
Annual General Meeting of Waikato Compassion Meditation Trust (Hamilton Vihara)

wcmcbannerNotice is hereby given that the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of Waikato Compassion Meditation Trust (WCMT) will be held at 436 D, Holland Road, Eureka 3286 on Sunday 1st May 2022 at 4:00 pm. You are kindly invited to attend this great Sasanika and spiritual event.


Agenda for the meeting:

-          Observing five precepts

-          Loving-kindness meditation

-          Apologies

-          Adopting the minute of the Annual General Meeting held on 18th April 2021

-          Matters arising

-          Receiving and adopting the President's report, Treasurer's report, and the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December 2021

-          Anusasana by Bhante Metteyya

-          Electing of members of the 2022/23 Trust Committee

-          Appointing an auditor

-          Other business

-          End of the meeting

The audited accounts:

-          The audited accounts for the year ended 31st December 2021 will be available at the temple

Important Note:

We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and will continue to have regard to all developments in advance of the meeting. If circumstances should change materially before the date of the meeting, we may adapt our proposed arrangements, working always in accordance with New Zealand government guidelines and mindful of public health concerns. If there are material changes, we will provide updates as early as possible before the date of the meeting.