
Vesak Celebration 2022 - Hamilton Vihara (WCMC)

Vandana, Dhamma talk and Meditation sessions

Vesak day Pro Hamilton Vihara (Waikato Compassion Meditation Centre) will be celebrating Vesak from 14th to 21st May 2022, to commemorate the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing away of the Lord Buddha.

This is undoubtedly the most sacred day of the Buddhist calendar. So that Vihara has organized Dhamma talks, Meditation sessions, Puja and lantern festival ceremonies to honor the Lord Buddha and help us to practice and follow his teachings.






Saturday 14th to Friday 20th May at 6 pm:

Vandana, Dhamma talk and Meditation sessions.

Vesak 2022 Pro


Vesak Poya day Programs


5. Vesak Poya

Saturday 21st from 08 am to 06:30 pm:

Eight precepts day (Sil Program). Includes meditation, Dhamma talks, discussions, and Vandana.

The program will be conducted in Sinhala and English languages by venerable monks and invited guest teachers. (There will be a Dhamma talk and discussion in English from 1.30 pm)

05:30 pm: Bodhi Puja to invoke blessings

06:30 pm: Dansala

Vesak day Pro