
Celebrating Vesak

On the 13th of May, we celebrated the Vesak festival, a day of great spiritual importance for Buddhists. Vesak commemorates the birth of Prince Siddhārtha, his leaving lay life and attaining Enlightenment as the Buddha and the passing away of the Buddha after 45 years of service to mankind. This year’s Vesak Day was celebrated on May the 13th Saturday with a full day’s programme of religious activities at the Hamilton Buddhist Vihāra.

This year’s Vesak Day was celebrated on May the 13th Saturday with a full day’s programme of religious activities at the Hamilton Buddhist Vihāra. The programme included devotees observing the Eight Precepts; Ata Sil; Dhamma Sermons; Dhamma Discussions; Dāna for the Monks, Upāsakas and the Upāsikas; and Meditation sessions.

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Dhamma Sermons
Head of the Vihāra, Most Ven. Dunuvila Metteyya Nāyaka Thēro, conducted the Administering of the Eight Precepts.

Dhamma Discussions
Ven. Tenzin Chosang Thērō and Ven. Kottukachchiyē Pagngnāsiri Therō conducted Dhamma Sermons.

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Bodhi Puja
A large number of devotees participated in the evening Bōdhi Pūja.

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